The Swiss Academy - Etudes Modernes

We are a private institution located in Lausanne, canton de Vaud, which  was founded in 1977.

Etudes Modernes

Studying is based on the principals of the remote, dual and interactive  form of education in accordance with the recommendations of experts in science and business.

Etudes Modernes SA, in collaboration with international universities, will be pleased to provide you with a personalized approach based on your abilities and goals for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies.

convenient dual training schedule for working people
programs, materials and cases created by well-known experts and practitioners
independent time-flexible exam for each course
the opportunity to obtain a diploma from a Swiss private academy
all programs are adapted to the needs of the modern labor market
«To implement the plans, you need knowledge that will enable you to manage risks effectively and develop.

That is why Academy - Etudes Modernes SA selects tailor-made programmes for education in the Swiss Confederation.»

Adrian Kudla
Director of Education
Etudes Modernes SA selects tailor-made programmes for interactive education in the Swiss Confederation
The educational program today includes the following areas:
  • Strategic risks of the company
  • Methodical bases of risk management: elements of probability theory and mathematical statistics
  • Risk analysis technologies
  • Risk analysis in financial management
  • Risk management methods
  • Insurance and self-insurance
  • Hedging
  • Sales Management
  • Main languages - French
    English, German, Italian
  • Psychology of development
  • PhD in Computer Science
  • Programming and Computer Systems in Esports
  • Management and Marketing in Esports
  • Innovative Technologies in Esports
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