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Gestion Sociale, Inclusion et Réhabilitation du SSPT

Key Focus Areas

  • Interaction with Leading Sports Federations: Significant emphasis is placed on interacting with leading sports federations in Switzerland, including football, basketball, and other sports.
  • Specialized Disciplines: Alongside their specialized disciplines, students also focus on psychology and communications.
  • Practical Aspects: Students explore the practical aspects of athlete transfers and contract negotiations between sports federations in various sports (e.g., fencing, boxing).

Key Focus Areas

Interaction with Leading Sports Federations
Significant emphasis is placed on interacting with leading sports federations in Switzerland, including football, basketball, and other sports.
Specialized Disciplines
Alongside their specialized disciplines, students also focus on psychology and communications.
Practical Aspects
Students explore the practical aspects of athlete transfers and contract negotiations between sports federations in various sports (e.g., fencing, boxing).

Intellectual Community

Etudes Modernes Academy fosters relationships with global intellectual game organizations like chess, Go, and checkers. This enables students to join an intellectual community, participating in tournaments with elite representatives from different countries.
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Curriculum Highlights

Sports Management Courses
Significant time is dedicated to courses in sports management, industry marketing, recreational economics, and the basics of tourism.
Healthy Lifestyle Industry
The rapidly developing healthy lifestyle industry worldwide requires high-class specialists capable of managing fitness divisions, individual and family wellness programs, and preparing wellness retreat programs.
Unique Opportunities in Lausanne
Being located in Lausanne allows students to deeply study the history of Olympic sports, as well as the technologies and solutions employed by international organizations that unite the healthy forces of humanity.
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Etudes Modernes SA selects tailor-made programmes for dual education in the Swiss Confederation

Additional Learning Areas

Students are required to study the history of sustainable development and the role of the UN, international conventions and agreements (e.g., the Aarhus Convention and the Paris Climate Agreement), and EU directives covering the social and economic development blocks of the European community.

Technical Standards

A crucial part of the curriculum is working with technical standards, especially those related to the certification of environmental products and the analysis of European best available techniques (BAT).

Skills and Knowledge

Students gain up-to-date knowledge of environmental protection technologies and skills to create effective environmental management systems, which are in demand in both business and administrative sectors.

Discipline Focus

All courses aim to provide an understanding of the integrity of nature and the possibilities that science offers for environmental restoration and the development of innovative models.

Ce programme de recherche propose une gamme complète de disciplines directement liées au travail avec la société et à l’aide aux personnes ayant subi des traumatismes psychologiques dus à des accidents, des catastrophes naturelles ou anthropiques, ou des actions militaires.

Gestion du Capital Humain

Le programme comprend des cours en sciences humaines et études interdisciplinaires axés sur la compréhension de la psyché humaine et le développement des pratiques sociales. Les matières clés incluent :

  • Psychologie : Théorie de la psychologie, psychodiagnostics, psychologie appliquée, théorie de la communication et sociologie. Ces cours aident à comprendre les propriétés de la psyché et les étapes du développement personnel.
  • Philosophie et Culture : Histoire de la philosophie, études culturelles, théorie du management, et cours sur les droits sociaux dans les cadres constitutionnels modernes. Ils créent une base éducative solide pour les spécialistes intéressés par le bien-être sociétal et un état de droit sain.

Nouvelles Technologies

En plus des disciplines classiques, une attention particulière est accordée aux nouvelles technologies, notamment le potentiel de l’intelligence artificielle. Les étudiants étudient l’application de programmes spécialisés pour traiter et diagnostiquer le SSPT par la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale et les technologies de réalité virtuelle (VR), ainsi que des logiciels adaptés aux besoins des personnes touchées.

Sphère Sociale et Partenariat Public-Privé

La sphère sociale est pertinente non seulement pour le secteur public mais aussi pour les partenariats public-privé et les entreprises. Par conséquent, les étudiants acquièrent des compétences en gestion des relations publiques, en promotion des concepts sans barrières, et en résolution des problèmes d’inclusion pour améliorer la qualité et la durée de vie.

Pour plus d’informations et pour vous inscrire, veuillez visiter le site web de l’Académie Etudes Modernes.