Doctor of Philosophy “PhD” — The Highest Academic Degree

Program Start and Duration

  • Start of the Course: Enrollment is open throughout the year.
  • Duration: The program lasts from four to six years.

Program Overview

Etudes Modernes Academy selects a scientific advisor for each candidate and ensures interaction with leading scientific publications in Switzerland. The academy provides all the necessary support for candidates to prepare and independently write their PhD dissertation.

Program Flexibility

  • This program offers both dual and distance learning options, allowing access to all necessary materials in a convenient format.

Languages of Education Instruction from Etudes-Modernes:

The main education languages – English, FrenchGerman

Modern Educational Approach

Etudes Modernes Academy aims to meet the contemporary needs of active individuals living without boundaries.

Engaging and Valuable Content

  • This course is designed for students at various levels of preparation who are interested in self-development and have ambitious goals.

Tuition Fees and Financial Support

  • Administrative Fee: The basic administrative fee is 3,000 CF, with an annual fee of 12,000 CF.
  • Students in need of financial support can benefit from special conditions due to Etudes Modernes Academy’s partnerships with Swiss cantonal funds.
  • The basic administrative fee covers legal expenses, notarization of documents, Apostille du Canton de Vaud, and postal expenses. These fees are non-refundable.


To register, please fill out the online form, and our secretary will contact you shortly.